
AIMP(mp3播放器) V4.00.1697 绿色多语版


软件大小:10.27 MB软件类型:国外软件



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AIMP音乐播放器的操作界面,乍一看界面似乎有点像当前流行的播放器 Winamp,不过,看起来比 Winamp 更有质感一些,所以您完全不用担心无法很快上手的问题。AIMP3 提供了2款主流的皮肤面板、具备 18-band 的声音均衡器、可视化的窗口可以以多种视图显示节奏的动态效果、播放列表功能可更方便地编辑和管理您的音乐文件,等等。此外,周全的音量控制功能,可避免歌曲之间的音量剧变。 当然,AIMP 音乐播放器的主要功能还是在于音频播放,它所有的操作都能通过快捷键来实现。

另外 AIMP 还自带了很多的实用的小功能,比如自动关机、或在指定时间让电脑自动关机、休眠、停止播放或关闭 AIMP 软件。当然你也可以让某一首歌曲播放完成后自动关机或停止播放,相当方便。AIMP 音乐播放器具有很好的用户体验,每当一首歌曲播完,开始播放下一首歌曲时,会电脑屏幕上方将正在播放的歌曲名显示几秒,常用的设置功能在界面左上方的“main menu”列表中都能看到。

除了播放音乐,AIMP 音乐播放器还提供3个额外的增强功能,使您可以录制来自计算机中的声音,并实现格式之间的转换以及标签编辑。AIMP 音乐播放器基于著名的 BASS 音频引擎开发,所以它对插件有相当好的支持性(程序提供插件库),以实现扩展更多功能如果你觉得内置皮肤不能满足你的个性化需求,


AIMP 除了支援MP1, MP2, MP3, MPC, MP+, AAC, AC3, OGG, FLAC, APE, WavPack, Speex, WAV, CDA, WMA, S3M, XM, MOD, IT, MO3, MTM, UMX 各种常见的音乐格式之外,还支援一些较特殊的格式,像是 .APE、.OGG、.FLAC、.ACC 等等…


就像 Winamp 一样,AIMP 也内建了等化器 (Equalizer),并且也提供了一些预先设定好的等化值,像是重高低音、金属音乐、流行音乐、摇滚乐、爵士乐、古典音乐等等…

AIMP 提供了面板更换功能,当用腻了同一个面板的时候可以随换掉。官网提供的面板样式虽然不多,但其中有几个是满不错的,等一下会介绍到。在这里我想强调的是面板颜色自订功能。下面的撷图里有一个颜色棒,使用者可以把面板设定成自己喜欢颜色。


除了自家的播放列表 .plc 之外,AIMP还支援 .pls (Winamp 播放列表) 以及 .m3u (M3U 播放列表),因此之前使用 Winamp 建立的播放列表就不必担心无法使用。

支援 Unicode 的 ID3 标签

完全支援 .APE 音乐档案
AIMP 内建 Monkey’s Audio 解码器,可播放 .ape 档案。如果有相对应的 .cue 档案 (记录音轨资讯的文字档) 的话也不用担心,因为 AIMP2 同样内建了 Cue Reader,只要把 .cue 档案拉到播放列表就可以聆听 .ape 音乐档了。

AIMP 提供相当大范围的热键自订功能,因此完全不必用滑鼠也可以轻松操作。

在 AIMP 中,播放列表可以是单纯地只显示歌手、歌曲以及歌曲时间,或是也可以使用被称之为“新样式的播放列表”而进阶地显示每首歌曲更详细的资讯。预设是会以新样式显示,但如果还是喜欢单纯的播放列表则可以到“选项->界面的播放列表->取消勾选”使用新样式的播放列表””即可。

自带13种美化皮肤,按下Ctrl + P可以打开设置界面设置


IMP v4.00, build 1695 (14.02.2016)
- Fixed: Music Library - customized layout of columns is not saved

AIMP v4.00, build 1694 (14.02.2016)
* Common: digital signature has been updated
* Audio Converter: list of templates for NeroAAC has been extended
- Fixed: common - CUE parser cannot determine fields with multiple values in some cases
- Fixed: Player - app hangs when switching tracks on radio stations that broadcast in the format FLAC
- Fixed: Bookmarks - position does not saved after manual sorting in the dialog
- Fixed: UI - table elements - multiple selection via selection rectangle works buggly
- Fixed: Skin Engine - small bugs were fixed
- Fixed: Audio Converter - cannot scroll the list with files if converting process is active
- Fixed: Audio Converter - stores tags to the MusePack in the ID3v2 format instead of the APEv2 format.
- Fixed: Audio Converter - click the "jump to folder" button opens the plugins directory if path is empty
- Fixed: Tag Editor - ID3v2 - does not display information from some tag fields if file was exported from the Audacity app
- Fixed: Tag Editor - application hangs when trying to edit file with corrupted album art
- Fixed: Tag Editor - ReplayGain calculation works incorrectly in mode "get album from tags"
- Fixed: Music Library - an error occurs when window redraws if grouping tree is in loading data process
- Fixed: Music Library - smart-playlists - poor performance for lists with multiple filters
- Fixed: Music Library - custom grouping templates works incorrectly
- Fixed: Music Library - app hangs in some cases when removing multiple files from folder that monitored by music library
- Fixed: Music Library - value of option that switch off recursive scanning for folder was resets after restart the app
- A lot of small bugs were fixed

AIMP v4.00, build 1687 (18.01.2016)
* Common: Monkey's Audio codec has been updated
* Skin Engine: Seek bar - Hint with position under mouse cursor now appears
- Fixed: Common - the "Move to..." command does not work for playing file
- Fixed: UI - table elements - selection of all items via Ctrl+A shortcut moves focus to first item
- Fixed: Playlists Manager - an empty playlists were created when moving few folders via drag-n-drop to playlists list
- Fixed: Player - Internet Radio - meta information changed too early than track really started
- Fixed: Tag Editor - OGG / FLAC / OPUS - multi-line fields saves incorrectly if their data contains ";" symbol
- Fixed: Skin Engine - default frame index of TASEAnimator element always equals to 0 even if binding is defined
- Fixed: Skin Engine - few compatibility issues with old skins were fixed
- Fixed: Skin Engine - localizations for custom context menus was not refreshed in real-time
- Fixed: Skin Engine - hint in music library table / playlist blinks when running under Windows 7 if desktop composition is disabled
- Fixed: Skin Engine - window content was not refreshed after changing the element placement from script
- Fixed: Music Library - import data base from AIMP3 - files from network locations cannot be imported
- Fixed: Music Library - the "find in Music Library" command does not work if the "no grouping" mode is selected
- Fixed: Music Library - playback accounting works incorrectly if playback speed different from default value
- Small bugs were fixed

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