
Comfort Keys Pro(快捷键管理工具) V7.4.1 中文免费版


软件大小:6.43 MB软件类型:国外软件



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Comfort Keys Pro是一款快捷键的管理工具,能帮助用户自动完成重复的动作,简单方便,你可以随心拟定自己的快捷键命令,是一款不错的快捷键管理工具.

Comfort Keys Pro软件功能:

通过 Comfort Keys, 您可以停用快捷键, 用其他键替换一个按键或对下面的动作指定一个快捷键:

- 通过按一个热键,启动一个程序或打开网页

- 运行程序; 打开文档或文件夹.

- 打开一个或多个网络资源.

- 粘贴一些预定义文本 (电话, 链接, 地址, 问候语, 签名, 密码等.).

- 打开内置的模板管理器 允许您快速粘贴片段和图像.

- 播放以前录制的按键宏.

- 打开内置的剪贴板管理器.

- 显示最近运行的程序列表,你可以用它再次运行选定的程序.

- 用快捷键显示桌面.

- 在打开的文档和运行的程序之间来回切换显示窗口.

- 显示/隐藏内置的屏幕键盘.

- 更换最近输入字符的语言.

- 更改所选字符的语言.

- 切换语言.

- 在选定字符的情况下更改.

- 调低和调高, 启用和禁用声音.

- 最小化, 最大化, 还原或关闭当前窗口.

- 隐藏当前窗口, 显示最近隐藏的窗口.

Comfort Keys Pro软件功能:

Comfort Keys Pro(快捷键管理工具) 7.4.0 – 更新日志

Improved Windows 10 Compatibility.

New “Swap keys” action has been added in the keyboard editor.

New keyboard types: UltraPhone, UMPCx2000, UMPC_Numx2000, and TouchScreen1024.

Changed keyboard type: TouchScreen.

Removed keyboard type: UltraPhone640.

New “Word Autocomplete: Add space after completed word” option has been added to the list of dependencies.

New: Slovenian interface language has been added.

New extended options:

Hide the on-screen keyboard when a physical keyboard is present.

Prevent the mouse cursor from moving when you touch the on-screen keyboard in Windows 8 and above.

Block system keys and hotkeys like Alt+F4, Win, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Alt+Del, etc.

Minimum height and Minimum widt.

Changed the order of words in the word autocomplete window based on the statistics.

Changed the icon on the Win key.

Improved the response rate when using the keyboard with the touchscreen.

Fixed: Microsoft Edge has been added to the list of web browsers.

Fixed: Alternate symbols for number keys didn’t work correctly sometimes.

Fixed: The on-screen keyboard didn’t disappear with the hide gesture sometimes.

Many other fixes and improvements have been made.

Comfort Keys Pro(快捷键管理工具) v7.4.1.0 – 更新日志
Improved Windows 10 Compatibility.
New “Swap keys” action has been added in the keyboard editor.
New keyboard types: UltraPhone, UMPCx2000, UMPC_Numx2000, and TouchScreen1024.
Changed keyboard type: TouchScreen.
Removed keyboard type: UltraPhone640.
New “Word Autocomplete: Add space after completed word” option has been added to the list of dependencies.
New: Slovenian interface language has been added.
New extended options:
Hide the on-screen keyboard when a physical keyboard is present.
Prevent the mouse cursor from moving when you touch the on-screen keyboard in Windows 8 and above.
Block system keys and hotkeys like Alt+F4, Win, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+Alt+Del, etc.
Minimum height and Minimum widt.
Changed the order of words in the word autocomplete window based on the statistics.
Changed the icon on the Win key.
Improved the response rate when using the keyboard with the touchscreen.
Fixed: Microsoft Edge has been added to the list of web browsers.
Fixed: Alternate symbols for number keys didn’t work correctly sometimes.
Fixed: The on-screen keyboard didn’t disappear with the hide gesture sometimes.
Many other fixes and improvements have been made.

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