
WinZip(文档解压缩工具) V31.0.11659.0 中文免费特别版


软件大小:14 MB软件类型:国产软件



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WinZip是一款非常著名的 ZIP 压缩文件管理器,它是由Nico Mak Computing 公司开发的。可以说WinZip是目前最流行、操作最简便、压缩运行速度最快的压缩文件软件,WinZip能与网络浏览器Internet Explorer 和 Netscape Communication 实现无缝连接,可以大大方便 Internet 用户进行网上软件的下载、解压。




自动压缩附件 提高邮件速度

邮件压缩工具(WinZip Courier) 通过在发送邮件时自动压缩附件,降低邮件大小,在不改变邮件使用习惯和增加任何附加操作的情况下,可以自动提升邮件发送速度,打造自己的邮件高速通道。


基于WinZip核心的WinZip邮件压缩工具(WinZip Courier)具备从压缩到解压缩整个过程上的安全保护机制,其生成的压缩文件不会受到木马等病毒攻击,加上邮件压缩工具(WinZip Courier) 具备快捷文档加密的能力,让用户随时随地可以加密重要文件,从而有效保障用户发送机要内容的安全。


邮件压缩工具(WinZip Courier) 在降低数据存储费用上也大有可为。据统计,企业中至少有29%的邮件都包含附件,而邮件附件占用了95%的邮件服务带宽,如果发送的邮件都自动压缩,不仅大大提高邮件传输效率,更能降低服务器存储容量,节约存储费用,进而提升企业整体运行效率。

邮件压缩工具(WinZip Courier) 基于WinZip的从压缩到解压全流程保护用户的信息安全,配合其快捷方便的加密和安全性能,为企业邮件信息安全提供保障。

WinZip酷邮(邮件压缩工具(WinZip Courier))的发布,对个人来讲可以更快更安全的传递邮件,对企业可以提升整体网络运行效率和信息安全程度,并能有效降低存储费用。WinZip酷邮(邮件压缩工具(WinZip Courier))是一款值得一试的全新邮件工具。



WinZip 特性列表(仅专业版)

– 直接将新建及现有 Zip 文件记录到 CD 或 DVD <-新增

– FTP 上传新建和现有 Zip 文件 <-新增

– 邮寄 Zip 文件和 WinZip 作业完成日志 <-新增

– 从最新工作列表中直接运行 WinZip 工作 <-新增

– 从你的 Zip工件中直接查看压缩的图像 <-新增

– 预定义数据备份作业

– 创建自定义、自动压缩任务(WinZip 作业)

– 计划运行压缩作业能力

– 支持命令行(单独下载)

WinZip 特性列表(标准版和专业版)

– 在 WinZip资源管理器风格视图中支持缩略图 <-新增

– 基于文件类型的最佳压缩方式选择 <-新增

– 对音频文件(WAV)进行压缩优化 <-新增

– 支持对 .BZ2 和 .RAR 文件的解压缩 <-新增

– 附件管理支持

– 快速文件选择

– 自动更新检查

– 灵活的界面; 向导和传统

– 与 Windows操作系统紧密集成

– 大 Zip 文件支持

– 支持 128 位和 256 位加密


– 分割 Zip 文件能力

– 创建自释放压缩文档



WinZip 21.5 Build 12480 更新日志

NEW! Replace Zip Files with their Content

Quickly and easily unzip a group of Zip files and replace them with their native files.

NEW! Create a split Zip file from Explorer

Easily distribute large Zip files without worrying about timeouts or failed uploads/downloads. This convenient feature creates a multi-part zip file for easier distribution.

NEW! Automatic computer shutdown

For added security, you can now have WinZip shut down your computer for you after running an automatic backup. 

Pro and Enterprise only.

NEW! Files Pane tabs

Files Pane tabs let you open, view and manage different folders at the same time, instead of having to use multiple Windows Explorer windows. Conveniently see local, network and cloud-based folders, and just drag and drop files from one tab to another to copy them.

NEW! Folder Trees

The Folder Trees option of the Files Pane lets you see and navigate through your combined computer, network and cloud folder layout, making folder selection quick and easy.

NEW! Keep track of the files you share with ZipShare

Whether you share files from WinZip or ZipShare, you can now easily keep track of which files you have shared. And, you can use either ZipShare or another cloud service for storing shared files. With the Shared Files dashboard in the Files pane, you can see and manage shared files from WinZip. See a list of shared files (even files you shared on ZipShare), open and view shared files, share files again or remove shared files.

NEW! Access all your accounts

If you have work and personal accounts on the same cloud or IM services, now you can add and access all of them in WinZip. You no longer need to log in and out depending on which accounts you want to use. Add up to 16 accounts, give them unique names to distinguish them and enjoy easy access to your files for any of the many services supported by WinZip 21.

Pro and Enterprise only.

NEW! Combined Address Book

Now you can handily select recipients by name as well as email address when you email and share directly from WinZip’s internal emailer to any of your contacts with the new Combined Address Book. Add contact information from your email accounts, multiple social media services and local contact directories so you no longer need to go outside WinZip to find the address you need.

NEW! Create individual Zip files for streamlined sharing

Sometimes you want to access just one file in a large, multi-file Zip. With WinZip 21, you have the flexibility to move selected files to individual zip files with optional encryption. That means you no longer need to download an entire Zip when using your phone to access files in the cloud, you can simply download the individual zip file that you need.

NEW! Send What feature

Share all or only the selected files you want to send with this handy feature. Once you review or change the contents of your Zip and click Send selected files, you can choose whether to send individually selected files or the entire Zip.

NEW! Share Converted files

Avoid added clutter by sharing files without having to save them first. Previously, when using WinZip’s conversion options, like converting to PDF or adding watermarks, you would need to overwrite the existing file or save the converted file, then find, share and delete it. Now, simply share your converted file by email, IM, social media or the clipboard and the temporary file is deleted after sharing.

NEW! Files Pane Swipe

Easily expand or revert the Files Pane just by swiping.

NEW! Add a Network Location

Now you can access a network location from another domain without leaving WinZip. Any network you have access to can be added to the WinZip Files Pane, even if it is not included in the list of available networks in Windows under the Network folder.

NEW! See image information in the Preview Pane

Get all the information you need about an image, right in WinZip 21. Click the new Image Information button in the Preview Pane to view a dialog that includes height, width, pixels per inch, pixel depth/colors, file size and more.

Pro and Enterprise only

ENHANCED! MP3 Compression

Keep more music on your phone or on a cloud service, or share playlists more easily, with enhanced lose-less MP3 compression. WinZip 21 compresses your MP3 files by 15 – 20% on average with no loss in quality thanks to the enhanced Zipx format.

ENHANCED! Link sharing from the cloud

With just a click, easily share a link to files and folders in your cloud services. Share your link by email, IM, social media or the Clipboard.

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