
Subtitle Edit中文绿色版 (字幕编辑软件)V3.5.5


软件大小:13.1 MB软件类型:国外软件



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想制作自己的MV或者翻译国外电影没有字幕怎么行,Subtitle Edit是最出色的字幕编辑软件之一,Subtitle Edit中文绿色版是一款免费开源的国外字幕软件,官方支持绿色版和中文翻译,Subtitle Edit Portable无需安装即可使用。


Subtitle Edit是一个电影字幕编辑软件,使用 Subtitle Edit,如果电影内容声音跟字幕不同步,您可以轻松地调整任何字幕的开始时间。字幕编辑软件(Subtitle Edit )是一个免费的编辑器的视频字幕编辑器。

Subtitle Edit中文绿色版


以可视方式同步/调整一个副标题 (开始/结束位置和速度)。
翻译助手 (用于手动转换)
在SubRib, MicroDVD, Substation Alpha, SAMI, 更多之间转换
导入 VobSub 子/idx 二进制字幕 (代码从翻录字幕 Creator Erik Vullings/Manusse)
可以读取和写入 utf-8 和其他 unicode 文件 (除了 ANSI)
瑞典丹麦翻译内置 (通过多翻译在线)
内置了Google 翻译
拼写检查通过 Open Office 词典/NHunspell (可多词典)
功能效果: 打字机和卡拉OK
可以打开matroska (MKV)中嵌入的字幕文件
选择中文语言:Options->choose language->中文(简体)

Subtitle Edit中文绿色版













Subtitle Edit中文绿色版


Subtitle Edit 3.5.5 Final 更新日志
Add new subtitle format
Add new subtitle format
Add new subtitle format
Add new subtitle format
Add support for fcpxml 1.6
Add sync options when re-exporting image formats
Add new shortcuts
Add shortcut “Go to prev scene change” shortcut
Add more image based formats to batch/cmd-line convert
Add advanced fcpxml 1.5 export
New plain text import format “Final Draft Template”
Update Bulgarian translation
Update Hungarian translation
Update French translatin
Update Portuguese translation
Update Polish translation
Update Dutch translation
Update Korean translation
Update Simplified Chinese translation
Update Russian translation
Add sort by “Actor”
Add “Description” to “multiple replace” rules
Add “Apply” button to “Multiple replace”
Add “Total duration of all subtitles” to File -> Statistics
Add words to English OCR fix replace list
Save/restore “Auto continue delay” from UI
Add some extended chars to format SCC
Remember settings in “Adjust durations”
Allow smaller steps in “Adjust durations”
SSA/ASSA styles import/export works with multiple styles
Fix mpv preview font size (regression from 3.5.4)
Fix many binary OCR issues
Fix issue with video preview size with libmpv
Fix crash in “Fix common errors”
Fix for high hours in HHMMSSFF time code mode
Fix for creating Blu-ray sup palette
Fix for multiple audio tracks using libvlc
Fix Croatian Tesseract dictionary download
Fix “Find/Replace” with whole word for Arabic
Check subtitle max file size in append
Make “Go to next error” work with CPS and WPM
Fix crash in “auto-br”
Fix slowness in “Multiple replace”
Fix missing letters in “Binary image compare”
Fix bold for batch converting to image based formats
Fix some accented characters in SCC
Improve Romanian language auto-detect
Fix some minor issues with space/translation
Allow import plain text even if file is in use
Fix undo after “Import plain text”
Fix issues with find/replace in translator mode
Fix “Find whole word” issue
Fix issue in “Find & count” with regex
Fix wrong text for “split long lines”
Fix for format “KanopyHtml” “stealing” TTML
Fix exporting SSA/ASSA styles with space in name
Fix crash in TTML 1.0 saving
Fix issue in “Change casing”
Fix batch/cmd extract of multi tracks in mkv
Fix issue with newline/regex in “Multiple replace”

3.5.3 (12th May 2017)

* NEW:

- New Netflix quality checker - thx askolesov/pavel-belenko

- Added optional list view column "Actor" for ASS/SSA - thx william

- Added new subtitle format - thx Merwyn

- Added new subtitle format - thx Philippe

- Added new subtitle fomrat - thx Eddy


- Updated Chinese translation - thx Leon

- Updated French translation - thx JM GBT

- Updated Russian translation - thx Elheym

- Updated Finnish translation - thx Teijo S.

- Updated Polish translation - thx admas

- Import plain text now also supports input as HTML

- Added "Total words" to statistics - thx Barbara

- Added more Tesseract dictionaries - thx lucybook/Elheym

- Added "Video auto-load" to UI settings - thx mtarini

- "names_etc.xml" renamed to "names.xml" + local dictionaries

     now has a "blacklist" - thx ivandrofly

- Some position support for WebVTT

- In "Change casing" it's now possible to add extra names

- Export image margins are now percentage - thx aaaxx/gorgorias

- Added "Clear shortcut" button to settings - thx Simon

- "Import plain text" now rembembers options - thx Leon

- "Insert subtitle here..." added to waveform context menu

- Added waveform shortcut for go to next sub - thx GeorgeM

-  Drag'n'drop of subtitles now allows up to 10 MB - thx Silvena


- Fixed crash in "Add to user dictionary" in OCR - thx alfix0

- Fixed original file name bug in "Undo" - thx darnn

- Fixed non default timecode scales in MKV - thx mkver

- Fix layout of translator mode in RTL mode - thx darnn

- Fixed possible crash in "CleanAutoBackupFolder" - thx kaser2010

- Fix missing UTF-8 tag in OCR HTML export - thx dgonyier

- Fixed issue regarding "Fix dialogs on one line" - thx ingo

- Fixed possible crash in EBU STL - thx Elena

- Video player "Stop" resets playback position - thx askolesov/pavel-belenko

- Many fixes for TTML 1.0 and Netflix Timed Text - thx askolesov/pavel-belenko

- Fixed locking of input subtitle file (for unknown subtitles) - thx darnn

- Fixed crash after unsuccessful load of subtitle file - thx darnn

- Fixed possible crash in "Batch convert" - thx FreezinG117

- Fixed issue with the German open quotation mark - thx Ninelpienel

- Fixed bug in "Reverse RTL start/end" - thx darnn

- Fixed "FCP + image" export for drop frame rates - thx chris

- Fixed finding Tesseract traineddata files on Linux - thx mooop12

- Fixed loading of "mks" files from cmd line - thx Charles

- Fixed auto-backup for "EBU STL" format - thx Mirka

- Fixed new ASS/SSA style with space in name - thx hello_hello

- Fixed issue with empty time code in format "TT draft 2006-10" - thx Georg-J

- Fixed styling inside "span" in format TTML - thx Johan

- Fixed hashtag character in "PAC" format - thx Nuri

- Fix for "go to next" shortcut in translate mode - thx Alex

- Fixed crash in "Binary image compare" OCR with empty image

- Some minor fixes for spell check "change whole word" - thx N/A

- + Many minor fixes from ivandrofly

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