
Sisulizer Enterprise Edition(软件本地化工具) V4.0 Build 372中文免费版


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Sisulizer Enterprise Edition是一款功能强大的软件本地化(也就是中文汉化)的工具。Sisulizer Enterprise Edition方便地为你的软件提供多种语言支持,三个步骤进行本地化:扫描应用程序和定位文本;使用Sisulizer可视化编辑工具翻译文本;创建本地化软件版本。

Sisulizer Enterprise Edition(软件本地化工具)


Sisulizer 方便地为你的软件提供多种语言支持,三个步骤进行本地化:扫描应用程序和定位文本;使用Sisulizer可视化编辑工具翻译文本;创建本地化软件版本。 Sisulizer 能提供对绝大多数应用程序的良好支持,还支持对各种源代码文件、网页的本地化。
Sisulizer的第3版支持新的平台,如Android, FireMonkey, Delphi XE2 64位和改进。 NET支持。它配备了许多新的功能,如翻译记忆编辑器,真正的HTML预览,和几十个内置的更多有用的改进。建议所有的Sisulizer客户更新.
Sisulizer Enterprise是为大企业以及日益全球化的软件公司提供的最佳软件本地化工具。其可广泛的应用于服务器数据库的本地化,Web应用程序的本地化以及使用共享的译码存储系统。通过使用我们提供的命令行工具,用户可以在其软件开发过程中集成Sisulizer的功能。其翻译网格中支持的实时拼写检查能帮助用户的翻译程序创建质量更优的翻译,此外,其提供了许多报表以及验证功能,以帮助用户对其软件进行更佳的本地化工作。Sisulizer Enterprise有着良好的机器翻译服务的用户接口。


-瞬间完成本地化更新。用户只需点击”Scan for Changes”按钮,Sisulizer即可显示所有的新的,改变的,或者移除掉的字符串,并且能自动的对既有翻译内容进行重用。能极大的节省日常开支以及翻译成本。
-能本地化所有的Windows的APP,包括一些当下流行的语言诸如,C/C++, Delphi, Java, 和 VB6, plus Qt, gnuGetText,以及一些Ini文件,比如Pocket PC等。
-用户可以在工程文件处于任何状态(alpha, beta,发布, 较小升级或重大更新)时即对之进行本地化。减少了您用于市场推广的时间以及能更快的使得资金回流。
-完全支持.NET应用程序。可本地化C#,VB.NET Winforms, Silverlight以及WPF应用程序。其还支持ResX以及二进制资源库进行本地化。


大家在安装时或者在设定语言(Language)时选择Chinese 或者Chinese Simplified 或者ChineseS即可。Sisulizer官方中文企业注册版是一款软件本地化(也就是中文汉化)以增加收入的工具。Sisulizer方便地为你的软件提供多种语言支持,三个步骤进行本地化:扫描应用程序和定位文本;使用Sisulizer可视化编辑工具翻译文本;创建本地化软件版本。


Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 4.0 build 372 更新日志:

New features

Support for .NET 4.7.2 added.

Improved features

Android: Sisulizer reads the translatable attribute.

NET: When excluding certain properties by using the Excluded properties in the source’s properties the properties vere excluded but the localized .resx file contained the orginal properties. Now they are removed.

Bug fixes

If .NET 4.7.2 was installed Sisulizer did not detect .NET 4.5 or later.

Source that contained a wild card such as *.resx sometimes took very long tome to open if the path pointed to a directory that has huge amount of files (e.g. Windows system directory)

XAML compilation did not work on 32-bit Windows and .NET 4.6x or later.

Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 4.0 build 371 更新日志:

New features

Support for .NET 4.7.1 added.

Support for Windows Embedded Compact .NET 3.9

Improved features

Android: Sisulizer reads the translatable attribute.

.NET: When excluding certain properties by using the Excluded properties in the source’s properties the properties vere excluded but the localized .resx file contained the orginal properties. Now they are removed.

Microsoft Translator. Sisulizer now automatically renews the access token. Previously the token expired after 10 minutes so if you translated a long project the translation failed after 10 minutes.

Android: Sisulizer correctly decodes new line (\n).

Bug fixes

Source that contained a wild card such as *.resx sometimes took very long tome to open if the path pointed to a directory that has huge amount of files (e.g. Windows system directory)

XAML compilation did not work on 32-bit Windows and .NET 4.6x or later.

Import. When importing from a file and then deleting the file and imprting again Sisulizer hanged.

.NET: Scanning a form containing DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.LookUpColumnInfo sometimes caused EXE parsing to fail with “Could not scan the code of ScanError.XtraForm1 item. Form may show incorrectly on visual editor.”

WPF: SlMake did not export rows that had TXamlRow class.

Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 4.0 build 365 更新日志:

Windows RC: Sisulizer can now localize AFX_TARG definition.

When creating a new project Sisulizer can find existing localized files from multiple localization and not only the from Sisulizer’s default output directory.

When importing translation from Multilizer project Sisulizer can better import duplicate strings.

XML: localize attribute now works with elements that are not selected.

You can set multiple rows as HTML in the same time.

.NET: Sisulizer can now use both standalone MsBuild (installed by Visual Studio) and MsBuild of .NET framework. Standalone is used if it exists. If not then .NET MsBuild.

Support for Burmese added.

Export filter ignored translation marked flag.




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